LCSR Seminar: Eric Diller “Micro-Scale Surgery: Using Magnetic Fields to Control Tiny Robots in the Gut and Brain”

Eric Diller, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Robotics Institute, Institute of Biomedical Engineering (cross-appointed); University of Toronto

LCSR Seminar: Hunter Gilbert “Continuum Robots: Addressing Challenges through Modeling, Design, and Control”

Continuum robots change their shape with elastic deformations rather than mechanical joints and are often elastically deform under typical forces for their applications. They have advantages in some environments where geometry may be complex and not well-known in advance of operations, which is a common feature of many applications outside of factory settings. Continuum robots leverage contact and deformation to complete tasks, relying on passive mechanical behaviors in addition to software-based intelligence and traditional control systems.

LCSR Seminar: Heather Culbertson “Using Data for Increased Realism with Haptic Modeling and Devices”

Abstract: The haptic (touch) sensations felt when interacting with the physical world create a rich and varied impression of objects and their environment. Humans can discover a significant amount of information through touch with their environment, allowing them to assess object properties and qualities, dexterously handle objects, and communicate social cues and emotions. Humans are spending significantly more time in the digital world, however, and are increasingly interacting with people and objects through a digital medium.


Mark S. Savage is Associate Director, Life Design Lab & Life Design Educator for Engineering master’s Students at Johns Hopkins University.
Click here for a link to Mark’s presentation.

LCSR Seminar: Juan P. Wachs “Gore Robots: From Blood and Guts to Bits and Bytes”

Dr. Juan Wachs is a Professor and Faculty Scholar in the Industrial Engineering School at Purdue University, Professor of Biomedical Engineering (by courtesy) and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Surgery at IU School of Medicine. He is currently serving at NSF as a Program Director for robotics and AI programs at CISE. He is also the director of the Intelligent Systems and Assistive Technologies (ISAT) Lab at Purdue, and he is affiliated with the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering.

LCSR Seminar: Welcome Townhall “Review of LCSR”

Click here to see recording.

CIS & MINDS Seminar - Florian Schaefer

Recorded seminar link: <br><a href="

Talk: Johannes Eichstaedt, “Measuring Mental and Physical Health using Social Media”

Measuring Mental and Physical Health using Social Media
Tuesday, May 30
11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Malone 228, Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus


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