CIS & MINDS Seminar - Pablo Barcelo

Recorded seminar link:<br><a href=" meeting Link:<br><a href="">... Barceló</p><p><span>Professor</span></p><p>University of Chile</p><p>Title: “Complex Query Answering on Graph Databases andKnowledge Graphs”</p><p>Abstract:Graph databases represent one of the rapidly advancing technologies in datamanagement. I will commence by providing an introduction to the fundamentalconcepts of graph databases, exploring some of the key queries employed toextract information from them. Transitioning to knowledge graphs, in contrastto graph databases, they are presumed to be highly incomplete. This introducesnovel challenges in terms of the capabilities required by systems handlingknowledge graphs to fully exploit the contained information. I will introduce aspecialized graph neural network architecture designed for link prediction onknowledge graphs, leveraging embedding methods. I'll elucidate how thisarchitecture enables obtaining comprehensive answers for simple queries overknowledge graphs directly in the latent space. To conclude, I will outline theprincipal limitations of existing embedding methods for query answering onknowledge graphs and propose potential ideas to overcome these constraints.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><p>Biography: Pablo Barceló is a Full Professor at PontificiaUniversidad Católica de Chile, where he also acts as Director of the Institutefor Mathematical and Computational Engineering. Ph.D. in Computer Science fromthe University of Toronto, Canada. He is the author of more than 70 technicalpapers, has chaired ICDT 2019 and ACM PODS 2022, and is currently a member ofthe editorial committee of Logical Methods in Computer Science. From 2011 to2014 he was the editor of the database theory column of SIGMOD Record.</p>

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:00

Malone, 228