LCSR Seminar: Marin Kobilarov and Louis Whitcomb, “Interviewing for Jobs in Academia and Industry”

This LCSR Professional Development Seminar is focused on essential skills for interviewing for technical jobs in industry and in academia
Marin Kobilarov is an Associate Professor at the Johns Hopkins University and a Principal Engineer at Zoox/Amazon. At JHU he leads the Autonomous Systems, Control and Optimization (ASCO) lab which develops algorithms and software for planning, learning, and control of autonomous robotic systems. Their focus is on computational theory at the intersection of planning and learning, and on the system integration and deployment of robots that can operate safely and efficiently in challenging environments.

Whitcomb is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University School of Engineering, and Adjunct Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. His research focuses on the navigation, dynamics, and control of robot systems in extreme environments. He is the founding Director (2007-2013) of the JHU Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics and former Chair (2013-2017) of the JHU Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has received numerous best paper awards and teaching awards. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 12:00 to 13:00

Hackerman B17 @ 3400 N Charles St